Thursday 12 March 2015

Reduced to counting sleeps...

I must be excited as I am now counting sleeps (today is 78). I have organised everything that needs doing as I don't want to have every minute micromanaged. I have even bought Rob and I coats. And trust me, you don't need coats in Papua New Guinea.

We both losing weight too. Doing a 5:2 lifestyle which is a forever thing. It's easy some weeks and so hard on others. Mind you, there is the reward of seeing Rob drop kilo's like butter sliding off a hot griddle. He is looking good but even better, I know his sugars and cholesterol are hitting the highway. I really am quite attached to him and want him round for a long time.

Which brings me to an important consideration. Will this lifestyle change make Rob so slim Jim that his coat won't fit?

Goody...something else to organise!

Ciao for now.

Monday 9 March 2015

Rena turned 50 and her ultimate birthday wish was....

a trip to Alaska. We went to Italy.

I am about to turn 56. Many years of wishing have worked...our trip to one of the last wild frontiers is booked. Now my darling husband (who is 100% Italian under his Kiwi skin) is not overly enthused. Instead of watching life amble by with a Negroni at Piazza Navona, he will be visiting the Artic Circle. He will be trying his hand at dogsledding. Attempting ziplining. Enjoying glaciers.

Yep...he is NOT jumping for joy. But he is a good sport and is keeping his grumbling to a minimum. Well, barely a minimum. I must admit, my friends are not helping. "Have you seen the size of the mosquitoes in Alaska? They form blood sucking clouds" or "Are you crazy? There's like 2 hours of daylight!!" they advise in delight. Truth is, I really did want to make the trip in the dead of winter thus satisfying a yen to see the Aurora and the world ice carving championships. But I also want to stay married so we are going in late May/June. So we will have a healthy 18 hours of daylight ha ha!

Will it be worth it? This blog will certainly make that clear over the course of the journey.

Oh...and let's not mention the mosquitoes...OK?