Wednesday 3 June 2015

Stoned Cabbie....

We have a full day to explore Ohau!! My must see's are Pearl Harbour, Scared Falls and a list of beach bars. How are we going to fit all that in? We take a helicopter. In PNG, they call them a 'mixmaster bilong Jesus'. 


It's a great way to travel...and the only way to see the Sacred Falls as no one is allowed to hike there anymore as some trampers got themselves killed. The country is rugged and really beautiful. 

The Arizona Memorial and the Missouri. Note the diesel still leaking out of the Arizona.

Sacred Falls
So after the sightseeing is complete, we wander to the Beach Bar at Waikiki. Great place to people watch for sure. Just watch out for the selfie sticks as they are everywhere!! We had a great time and ended up at Dukes. After which, we were a little too happy to face the walk home. No worries...we'll catch a cab.

Another selfie stick!!

Dukes on Waikiki Beach
I am absolutely sure the cab driver was stoned. He reminded me of Tommy Chong. He couldn't remember which Hotel we wanted to go to so he took us to the wrong one. Twice. Eventually, we got home and I nearly kissed the ground.

All in all, an excellent day.

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